Seidel & Associates Design Portfolio
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Project: Point Reyes National Seashore (PRNS) Web site

Purpose: PRNS needed a complete redesign and a new architecture for their National Park Service (NPS) extended Web site, including site templates, imaging, CSS style sheets, and a development documentation and guide, including a complete guide to styles usage, so that the project's future maintenance could be handed off to NPS employees for implementation and continued updating.

Responsibilities: All art direction & graphics development, information architecture redesign, development of base pages and navigation, styles and coding templates, online documentation, and the delivery of entire site HTML, graphics and resource files to PRNS team. (Client: 2001 - 2002; site longevity: 2005)

Features: The NPS main Web site spawns a "popup" window of a fixed width dimension, so this site was templated to fit within the popup window providing user complete use of navigation from the small, fixed window size. Popup window may be resized but fixed width visual design "floats" to center of window. Consistent, intuitive navigation throughout a complex architecture of recreational and educational information. Online documentation with code and CSS examples and a style guide for ready reference as PRNS team continues developing and maintaining site.

Associates involved: Connie Seidel

Environment & tools: Macintosh/Windows, BBEdit, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PhotoShop


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Connie Seidel, Seidel & Assoc., and