Seidel & Associates Design Portfolio
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Project: Tower of Faith Evangelistic Churhch (TOF) Web site


Purpose: Redesign and develop Web site for Southern California church to deploy message of faith, community housing project vision, downloadable audio files, and shopping cart.

Responsibilities: All art direction, visual and graphics developemnt, collaborate and manage Flash development, information architecture, page development and site maintenance. (Client: 2001 - 2004; site longevity: current)

Features: Clean visual environment allowing TOF to communicate their message to a local/remote audience, distribute recorded messages, and operate an ecommerce site. Home page featuers a Flash animation that plays once — all other references to Home page go to a static Home page without the animation file resulting in animation playing once per site visit reducing annoyance factor.

Associates involved: Connie Seidel, John D. Huges

Environment & tools: Macintosh/Windows, BBEdit, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PhotoShop, Flash


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Connie Seidel, Seidel & Assoc., and