Seidel & Associates Design Portfolio
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Purpose:, well into its second year of online community building around restaurant and hotel/B&B reviews, needed an interface makeover.

Responsibilities: All art direction & graphics development, information architecture redesign, development of base pages and navigation, styles and coding templates along with involvement with PHP/MySql back-end code base developed by S&A Associated Jean-Louis Brunet. (Client: 2003 - 2006; site longevity: current)

Features: This site has a PHP / MySql backbone that allows visitors to post reviews, search, look up and read reviews, post and read anecdotes, and read articles on recipies, wine and travel. All of the updatable content is managed via the PHP / MySql functions and database through a secure admin tool plugged into the database via PHP pages. Additionally, the navigaion, header/logo, and other reoccuring elements on the pages are all populated through PHP includes making updating the visual and architectural interface simple and cost effecctive. A PHP-based bulletin board is also implemented on the site for community building and user retention.

Associates involved: Connie Seidel, Jean-Louis Brunet

Environment & tools: Macintosh/Windows, BBEdit, XHTML, PHP, MySql, JavaScript, CSS, PhotoShop


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Connie Seidel, Seidel & Assoc., and